عن الموسسة
- "innovation and coffee technology"
Through the continued unsaved effort of our highly motivated team, 70 years of coffee experience, advanced roasting technology and passion Shaheen can ensure that every coffee in our blends is roasted to its highest possible aroma development and is preserved inside it's entire composition ready to be enjoyed in the customer cup.
- Private blend business "tailor made blends".
At shaheen café, we anticipate the needs of our K account customers ( hotels, café chains, restaurants , companies and any quality food chain) by providing blending solutions in line with your business objective.
The desired blends is accurately tailored to your test preference, we have the technology and experience to ensure a perfect coffee blend which most please your customers
Also, shaheen packaging the admired blend In widest possible range of package to comply your economic follow up schedule,
- Our coffee product
Shaheen provide the market with a wide range of product which is designed to satisfy the specific taste preference of the main market segmentation "Turkish, espresso, filter coffee blends, single origin and multi origin blends, deferent color, coffee based premix ( cappuccino, Turkish coffee with milk and flavors, coffee mix)"
- Packaging.
Great emphasizes has been paid for choosing packaging material as well as packaging technique to preserve the aroma of the coffee away of the atmospheric oxygen which considered to be1st coffee enemy .